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Frequently Asked Questions


WHAT IS MEASURE R? Measure R is a general obligation (GO) bond measure on the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election ballot. If approved by 55% of votes cast, Measure R will authorize $900 million to make renovations and improve schools and classrooms throughout the Pasadena Unified School District. In addition, Measure R will allow the district to qualify for state matching funds.

WHAT IS A GO BOND? California school districts commonly use GO bonds to fund improvement projects, such as constructing and renovating classrooms. Similar to a home loan, GO bonds are repaid over time. Funds to repay the bonds come from a tax on all taxable property—residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural—located within the district.

WHAT PROJECTS ARE INCLUDED IN MEASURE R? Repairing or replacing leaky roofs and plumbing Repairing or replacing inefficient electrical, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems Replacing deteriorating portable classrooms Expanding coding, robotics, engineering, health sciences, creative arts and computer science programs Expanding counseling, mental health programs and special education facilities for students Creating greater accessibility to classrooms, restrooms, playgrounds and walkways in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Providing shade structures and adding trees to outdoor areas to protect students from the heat Building below-market rental housing in order to retain and hire qualified teachers and staff Updating classroom technology, wireless networks and infrastructure Expanding Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) classrooms and labs Modernizing classrooms for career and technical education programs to prepare students for college and future careers

HOW MUCH WILL MEASURE R COST? Measure R‘s estimated average annual tax rate is less than $59 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. Assessed valuation should not be confused with market value. The assessed valuation is the value placed on property by Los Angeles County and is typically lower than market value.

WHAT TAXPAYER PROTECTIONS ARE IN PLACE? Measure R ensures that there will be full public disclosure of all spending. An independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee must review and report on all bond fund expenditures, and a third-party auditor must audit all bond fund expenditures. Measure R includes a specific list of projects on which bond funds may be spent. Laws prohibit funds from being used for administrators’ salaries, pensions, or benefits. Measure R bond funds must be spent on Pasadena Unified School District’s projects and cannot be taken by the state.


WHAT IS MEASURE EE? Measure EE is a parcel tax on the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election ballot. If approved by at least two-thirds of the votes cast, it will raise approximately $5 million annually for eight years. Levied on a flat per-parcel basis, parcel taxes are used to fund educational programs and services and to support teachers and staff.

WHAT PROJECTS ARE INCLUDED IN MEASURE EE? Expanding Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) classes and programs Expanding career and technical education programs and classes Providing mental health and behavioral support resources and facilities Increasing wages for teachers and staff

HOW MUCH WILL MEASURE EE COST? Measure EE‘s annual parcel tax is $90 per parcel for eight years. Funds come from a fixed tax on all parcels—residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial—located within the District.

IS THERE AN EXEMPTION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS? Yes, seniors (age 65 and older) can apply for an exemption for their residences.

WHAT TAXPAYER PROTECTIONS ARE IN PLACE? Measure EE ensures that there will be full public disclosure of all spending. A third-party auditor will audit all expenditures. Measure EE includes a specific list of programs on which funds may be spent. Funds must be spent on Pasadena Unified School District’s programs and cannot be taken by the state.

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